0 September 6, 2022 Humanitarian Response to Monsoon Flooding اسان انتهائي افسوسناڪ صورتحال مان گذري رهيا آهيون. سنڌ ۾ ٻوڏ جي وڏي...
0 March 9, 2015 Thar Campaign Funds Relief Efforts World Sindhi Congress would like to thank all the donors to the Thar...
0 February 23, 2015 THANK YOU to donors of the Thar Relief Campaign Thank you to everyone who donated to our campaign to end drought in...
0 November 29, 2014 End Drought in Thar with GOFUNDME We have raised $2471! Help us reach our goal! http://www.gofundme.com/thardrought DONATE TODAY! http://www.gofundme.com/thardrought