0 August 18, 2017 Protest: New York against enforced disappearances On Friday, August 18th, 2017, SANA and WSC protested near Pakistan consulate in...
0 August 18, 2017 WSC condemns attack on Barcelona World Sindhi Congress (WSC) is deeply grieiving the barbaric and inhumane attack of...
0 May 23, 2017 World Sindhi Congress condemns the terrorist attack in Manchester, UK FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEFOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: info@WorldSindhiCongress.Org INFORMATION SECRETARY May 23rd, 2017 LONDON,...
0 April 20, 2017 WSC Strongly Condemns Enforced Disappearance of Sindhi Political Activists WSC Strongly Condemns Enforced Disappearance of Sindhi Political ActivistsAs part of the ongoing...
0 April 16, 2017 WSC Condemns Murder of Mashal Khan in Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan 15 April 2017 WSC Condemns Murder of Mashal Khan in Abdul Wali Khan...
0 April 13, 2017 WSC Condemns Sindh Government’s Criminal Negligence of Violence against Sindhi Hindus 11 April 2017 WSC Condemns Sindh Government’s Criminal Negligence of Violence against Sindhi...
0 April 8, 2017 WSC Condemns Murder of Sindhi Labourers in Balochistan 08 April 2017WSC Condemns Murder of Sindhi Labourers in Balochistan World Sindhi Congress...
0 March 15, 2017 WSC at the United Nations in Geneva Several delegates from World Sindhi Congress attended the convention at the United Nations...
0 February 27, 2017 Balochistan: Minorities Protest Forceful Implementation of CPEC Baloch activist Javed Mengal has stated that he believes Balochistan to be in...
0 February 22, 2017 Baloch, Sindhi activists protest against CPEC, China, Pakistan outside Chinese Embassy London: The Baloch and Sindhi leaders staged a joint protest against the multi-billion...